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5 Reasons You Need to Consider 5 Minute Settlement Data When Budgeting This Year.

5 Minute Settlement Rule.

The 5 minute settlement rule is to commence operation in July 2021. This major change will impact energy Distributors, Retailers and Metering Services in Australia. To ensure compliance, market participants will need to modify existing, or implement new systems, predominantly Billing, Meter Data Management and the Market Layer.

To avoid unplanned spend, or even worse, a solution that does not have the best return on your investment, the time to start planning is now.

The below graphic is just 5 of many reasons to begin planning your budget for this upcoming regulatory change.

Don’t get caught thinking you need to exhaust more than what is necessary in order to become 5 minute compliant.

Get in touch with us today to discuss our cost-competitive 5 minute solutions for your Billing, Meter Data Management and Market Layer software.

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